Parse Financial Statements

Heron Data helps SMB and Mid-Market Lenders instantly read Financial Statements and return structured data for underwriting

  • Any file, any format: Heron can handle all types of Financial Statements (Income Statements, Balance Sheets, Tax Returns) in any format PDF, XLXS, CSV
  • Fast processing speed: Convert Financial Statements into reviewable underwriting files in under 2 minutes, accelerating your workflow
  • Reduce manual human hours: Reduce time and costs associated with manipulating files and let your underwriters focus on what they do best

Ingest the files

Heron supports ingesting files from multiple sources, including email, portal, API, SFTP, and our dashboard. We handle all file formats, including PDF, Excel, CSV, JPG, Word, and ZIP, and will return structured data in your desired output such as a Pricing Template, CSV, JSON etc.


Extract data

Heron’s in-house GenAI models, fine-tuned for Income Statements, Balance Sheets and Tax Returns, reads the documents and returns structured data.

Extracted data is verified against the original documents to ensure accuracy and authenticity.

Heron can aggregate multiple files across multiple time periods and present a clean, unified view of the Company across time.



Heron will categorize each line item from a Financial Statement according to a customer’s scorecard. Categories are automatically assigned based on a customer’s underwriting template – resulting in a clean file returned, ready for underwriting.


Calculate financial ratios

Following document processing and categorization, Heron will calculate Financial Ratios from the extracted data such as Liquidity Ratios, Leverage Ratios, Cash Flow Analysis, Profitability Metrics and other Financial Ratios.


Compare with bank data

As bank data and financial data processors, Heron can extract data from both Financial Statements and Bank Statements and cross-reference values from both sources (such as Revenue) to help ensure integrity of the documentation provided.